Monday, March 1, 2010


Finally, I make a conscious decision to write a foodie blog. It's not that I've never tried to do similar thing before (yeah, I made a cooking blog back then a century ago, and now I don't even remember the name, password, and do not bother to search for it ;p).

I do this mostly for myself. Call me selfish but I think writing by all means will improve my orthographic quality, both grammatically, syntactically, and ...-cally...LOL. Seriously, I really need to get my writing skill right.
Other than improving my writing skills, I also want to brush up my novel interest in culinary world, and finding the right recipes (I'm an amateur by the way).

Documenting my experimental recipes in the tidiest possible way (with pics and such) serves as a timely reminder of how far I've gone; not to mention that I also get to share my culinary adventure with all the food lover out there. It's a way of making connections, and I think it's worth the hassle of juggling between holding the pan and taking picture with the other hand (which can be very frustrating...)

In all, I wish everyone a happy reading, as I am also enjoy the process making this blog alive. Bon apetit!

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